(set: $family to (either: "mother", "father", "sister", "brother"))
(set: $keyR6 to false)
(set: $HummingCoffin to false)
(set: $HasEarplugs to false)
(set: $HasBible to false)
(set: $HasLighter to false)
(set: $Money to 0)
(set: $Soda to 0)
(set: $VisitedR6 to false)
(set: $CouchSleep to false)The sky is etched with orange clouds and painted with dark elaborate purples and blues.You turn your car-key to the left to turn off your car. You sigh and recline in your seat. You've been driving for 6 hours straight to visit your $family and you need a well deserved a rest. You unlock your car door and step out to stretch and look to your right to see the large menacing red sign that reads (colour: red)["MOTEL"].
(click: $family)[Why do they have to live so far in the middle of nowhere?]
(click: "MOTEL")[That sign makes me feel uneasy, it's almost as if it's watching me.]
(if: $VisitR6 is true)[[[Keep driving.|Lame Ending]]]
[[Walk to the lobby door.|lobby]](if: $LobbyVisit is 0)[You open the door to the lobby, a bell chimes as you open the door.] The soft glow from the decrepit vending machine lights up the musty lobby. There is a black leather couch sitting against the wall in disrepair. And far north lies a man casted in shadows, his face only slightly illuminated by the glow from the vending machine.
[[Sit on couch.|couch]]
[[Inspect vending machine|vending machine1]]
[[Talk to desk manager.|desk manager]]
[[Leave the lobby|Start]]
(if: $keyR6 is true)[[[Walk down the hall to your room|Hallway1]]]You sit on the couch, it feels oddly comfortable. You could feel your eyelids grow incredibly heavy as if someone tied weights to them. No, you can't fall asleep in here yet, you have to get a motel room.
|Options>[(link-goto: "Sleep on the couch anyways.", "Nightmare")
(if: $Money is 0)[(link: "Dig in couch cushions.")[(replace: ?Options)[(set: $Money to it +1)[You find a dollar between the couch cushions! Today must be your lucky day!]]]]]
(if: $CouchSleep is false)[[[Stand back up.|lobby]]]
(set: $LobbyVisit to it +1)
You approach the ancient vending machine. You wipe your hand across it and dust coats your hand. You look down the list of beverages avaliable. (either: "Crystal Pepsi", "TAB"), (either: "Surge", "7-up"), (either: "RC Cola", "Sprite Remix").There is 1 dollar in the machine. Not all of these are horrible sodas, however you aren't too keen on drinking something 20 years old.
(if: $Soda is 0)[Do you want to drink a soda that's 20 years old?]
|SodaOrNot>[(if: $Soda is 0)[(link: "Yes.")[(replace: ?SodaOrNot)[(set: $Soda to it +1)[You press the (either: "Crystal Pepsi", "TAB", "Surge", "7-up", "RC Cola", "Sprite Remix") button and you get (either: "Crystal Pepsi", "TAB", "Surge", "7-up", "RC Cola", "Sprite Remix") out of the machine.]]]
(link: "No.")[(if: $Soda is 0)[(replace: ?SodaOrNot)[You are thirsty but you aren't that desperate.]]]]]
[[Return to lobby.|lobby]]
(set: $LobbyVisit to it +1)
{(link:"Save game")[
(if:(save-game:"Slot A"))[
Game saved!
](else: )[
Sorry, I couldn't save your game.
You approach the front desk and the desk manager comes closer into view. He has a slender face with pale skin, a pair of simple glasses hang from his face. A set of perplexing deep brown eyes stare down at a book and then up to you.
"Hello, welcome." He says, his voice hoarse. A lock of brown hair dips into his face as he stares at you.
(if: $keyR6 is false)[[[Ask for a room.|AskforRoom]]]
[[Ask about the motel.|AskAboutMotel]]
[[Return to lobby|lobby]]"May I get a room Mr. . ." You look down to the name plate on the desk "Mr. Marrow?" You ask. He nods and lifts a guest book from the desk and turns it over to you. You look at the other names on the list and notice that all of them seem to check out relatively early.
(click: "guest book")[(set: $name to (prompt: "Write your name in the guestbook:", "Austin"))
"Okay $name, your room should be down the hall and to the left" Mr. Marrow says, handing you a key that reads "R6".
(set: $keyR6 to true)
[[Ask about the motel.|AskAboutMotel]]
[[Return to lobby|lobby]]]"How long have you been working here?" You ask.
"Quite some time, it's a. . . Family run establishment." He tells you in his hoarse voice.
"How far is the nearest gas station?" You inquire.
"About 5 miles." He informs you.
[[Return to lobby|lobby]]
(if: $keyR6 is false)[[[Ask for a room|AskforRoom]]]You proceed down the hallway. Dingy white lights flicker on and off above you as you walk down the hallway. At the very end of the hallway is a red intimidating exit sign and a cold looking metal door, something about just seems ever so creepy.
There lies another vending machine down the hall that hums softly, the light emitting it from it is a bold red.
[[Go left|Left Hallway 1]]
[[Inspect exit sign|exit sign1]]
[[Inspect vending machine|vending machine2]]You look down the hallway, the dingy lights are filthier. The lights no longer white but, a tainted yellow. Along the wall is simple yellow wallpaper that chips and peels away.
As you progress down the hallway you can hear the humming of woman. The tune is heavenly, it was as if she was an enchantress and her melody was her spell.
(live:1s)[(set:$timer to it +1)
(if: $timer >= 12)[(if: $timer < 20)[You spot a women in a chair at the end of the hallway. Long black hair covers her face as she crosses her four arms.]]]
[[Follow The humming.|Humming 1]]
[[Continue to your room.|Left Hallway 1.5]]You walk over to vending machine, the bold red light draws you in like a tractor beam. The closer you get the more inticing the light seems rather than the vending machine itself. You look at the beverages avaliable. Dr. Pepper, Big Red, Cherry Crush seems to be the only sodas avaliable, oddly enough it's also red soda only.
(if: $Money is 1)[You could buy a soda. Do you want to?
|SodaOrNot>[(link: "Yes")[(replace: ?SodaOrNot)[(set: $Soda to it +1)[(set: $Money to it -1)[You press the (either: "Dr. Pepper", "Big Red", "Cherry Crush") button and a can of (either: "Dr. Pepper", "Big Red", "Cherry Crush") comes out of the vending machine.]]]]
(link: "No")[(replace: ?SodaOrNot)[You shake your head. There's no time for soda.]]]]
(set: $Hallway1Visit to it +1)
[[Walk back down the hallway|Hallway1]]
[[Inspect exit sign|exit sign1]]
[[Walk to the left hallway|Left Hallway 1]]
{(link:"Save game")[
(if:(save-game:"Slot A"))[
Game saved!
](else: )[
Sorry, I couldn't save your game.
]}You approach the threatening crimson exit sign. You are like a moth drawn to a flame, even though that red glow feels ominous, it's strangely attractive. Ahead of you is the cold feeling exit door.
(set: $Hallway1Visit to it +1)
[[Push door|exitdoor 1]]
[[Walk back down the hallway|Hallway1]]
[[Inspect vending machine|vending machine2]]You push against the exit door. The cold metal gives you goosebumps as you push harder. However, the door won't open no mater how hard you push.
(set: $Hallway to it +1)
[[Walk back down the hallway|Hallway1]]
[[Walk to the left hallway|Left Hallway 1]]
[[Inspect vending machine|vending machine2]]You follow the sweet melody, the noise being candy to your ears. The music contrasts to the squalor enviroment. The tune grows louder as you get closer, strangely enough it becomes more and more sour. You reach a door that reads "JANITOR'S CLOSET". You grab the handle and slowly pull it. . .
(live: 5s)[(transition: "dissolve")[(stop:)[You open the door. The noise is ear piercing and no longer pleasant. It sounds like screaming rabbits and a murder of crows cawing. A wicker coffin stands in the janitor's closet, an inverted cross is inscribed on the center of the coffin.]]]
[[Close door.|Left Hallway 1]]
[[Walk to your room.|Left Hallway 1.5]]
(if: $HasEarplugs is true)[[[Open coffin.|Open Wicker Coffin]]]You continue to walk down to your room.
(live: 1s)[(set: $timer1 to it +1)
(if: $timer1 >= 2)[R1. . .]
(if: $timer1 >= 4)[R2. . .]
(if: $timer1 >= 6)[R3. . .]
(if: $timer1 >= 8)[R4. . .]
(if: $timer1 >= 10)[R5. . .]
(if: $timer1 >= 12)[R6. . . This is your room. Open the door?]
(if: $timer1 >= 13)[[[Open Door|R6]]]]
[[Walk back.|Left Hallway 1.5]]
You open the wicker coffin, your hands trembling. You see pitch black inside the coffinand some force inside of you is urging you to jump in. . .
Jump in?
|Options>[(link-goto: "Yes.", "Nightmare")
(link-goto: "Yes.", "Nightmare")]You pop your key into the lock and twist the key. You hear a click and open your door.
You step inside to see two beds. The bedspread depicts dark crimson roses with green vines on a cream background. There is night stand with a jet black rotary phone with white numbers and a paper with a list of numbers to call in the hotel. A silver lamp with a red lampshade hangs in the corner. There is a large tube television against the wall on top of a dark wooden dresser. A mini-fridge sits next to the dresser and on top of it is a a microwave. There is a door to the bathroom.
This is your room for the night.
[[Walk into the hallway.|Left Hallway 1.5]]
[[Open night stand.|Open Nightstand]]
[[Go to the bathroom.|Bathroom R6]]
[[Turn on the TV.|Turn on TV]]
[[Use the phone.|Phone R6]]
[[Open mini-fridge|Fridge R6]]
(set: $VisitedR6 to true)You open the night stand to see a lighter and a bible.
(set: $HasBible to true)
(set: $HasLighter to true)
[[Close night stand.|R6]]You open the bathroom door. . .
You flick the on light switch. . .
(live:10s)[(if: $HasEarplugs is false)[The light flickers on and a stale white light bathes the humind bathroom. The white toilet is covered in spider webs, intricatly weaved on and around it, you can see tiny spiders skittering along it. You step closer in and you see a vast amount of pearly white spider-eggs sitting in a bathtub. A network of webs weave around the bathtub and along the sky blue tile walls of the shower. The sink is filled to the brim with spider-eggs, the mirror cabinet is covered in webs, if you set the webs on fire, you could be able to open it.]
(if: $HasLighter is true)[[[Open cabinet.|Bathroom2 R6]]]]
(live:10s)[(if: $HasEarplugs is true)[The light flickers on and a stale white light bathes the humind bathroom. The white toilet is covered in spiider webs, intricatly weaved on and around it. You can see tiny spiders skittering along the webs and across the floor. You step closer in and you see a vast amount of pearly white spider-eggs sitting in a bathtub. A network of webs weave around the bathtub and along the sky blue tile walls of the shower. The spider-eggs that were once in the sink are now simply ash, along with the webs covering the mirror cabinet.]]
[[Leave bathroom.|R6]]
You press the button on the large boxy CRT TV. The screen flickers on and continuous static fills the screen. At least this is good noise to go to sleep to.
[[Turn off TV.|R6]]You pick up the black phone and look at the list of numbers.
[[Call roomservice.|Room service]]
[[Call the front desk.|Front desk call]]
(set: $PhoneCall to true)[[[Call the scratched out number|Nightmare]]]You open the fridge and you see a swarm of cream colored maggots, wriggling about inside. Gross.
[[Close fridge.|R6]]You take the lighter and flick sparkwheel, a flame emits from the lighter. You outstretch your hand and inch forward to ignite the webs covering the mirror cabinet. The flame touches the web and the web is engulfed by fire. The web turns to ash and falls into the sink. You put away the lighter and open the cabinet to see a set of yellow earplugs.
(set: $HasEarplugs to true)
(set: $HasLighter to false)
[[Leave bathroom.|R6]]<div style="text-align: center; font-size: 72px;">Death by Motel</div>
<div style="text-align: center; font-size: 36px;">By Chayne Cooper</div>
<div style="text-align: center;">[[Begin?|Start]]</div>
(enchant: ?page, (background:"https://neonsuplex.neocities.org/Motel_Outside.png"))You yawn and wake up on a familiar black leather couch to see soft black sand for miles, gray skies, shimmering black clouds and a large looming red moon. Tall cold metal obelisk litter the landscape. A white vending machine resting in the sand, the light from it illuminates the dreary desert. You stand in the black sand and feel a wave of soul crushing lonliness.
[[Go north.|North1]]
[[Go east.|East1]]
[[Go west.|West1]]
[[Go south.|South1]]
(if: $Soda is 2)[[[Inspect vending machine.|Vending Machine3]]]You walk north, your feet trudging along in the black sand. You see a house-like shape in the distance. Investigate?
[[Yes|Normal Ending]]You walk east, your feet trudging along in the black sand. You see a house-like shape in the distance. Investigate?
[[Yes|Normal Ending]]You walk west, your feet trudging along in the black sand. You see a house-like shape in the distance. Investigate?
[[Yes|Normal Ending]]You walk south, your feet trudging along in the black sand. You see a house-like shape in the distance. Investigate?
[[Yes|Normal Ending]]You decide that this motel is way too creepy for you. It'll be better to drive to the gas station and sleep in your car there. You'd rather take your chances with the gas station bathroom rather than the the weird guy at the counter.
THE END(if: $Soda is 2)[You walk up to the white vending machine and you feel the urge to purchase a soda. Will you buy one?|SodaOrNot>[(link: "Yes")[(replace: ?SodaOrNot)[(set: $Soda to it +1)[The only soda is Sierra Mist, but that's fine]]]
(link: "YES")[(replace: ?SodaOrNot)[(set: $soda to it +1)[The only soda is Sierra Mist but that's fine.]]]]]
(if: $Soda is 3)[[[Inspect vending machine closer|Soda Ending]]]You dial for room service, turning the black dial. You hear a high-pithced beep three times for it clicks and someone picks up. There is a deep heavy breathing on the other end. "Housekeeping." A deep monotone voice growls.
|Options>[(link: "Hang up" )[(replace: ?Options )[You hang up, room service doesn't sound too good about now.[[Put phone away|R6]]]]
(link-goto: "Continue call" "Phone Ending")]You call the front desk.
It beeps for a while and no one picks up. Pretty bad service. . .
[[Hang up|R6]]You wander through the dusty black wasteland and see a familiar sight. In the distance you see your $family's house. You smile and run towards their home. However, the closer and closer you get to your "salvation" the more and more the place you call home detererorates. The pale orange adobe walls look as if they were ruined by centeries of wear and the terracotta roof looks busted and broken. The plants in the front yard of the house are no longer a vibrant green, but a jet black, the leaves stiff and unmoving. The windows boarded up with decaying wood.
You step closer and knock on the white wooden door with the once elaborate glass window on it, shattered. You wait a few seconds to only hear the wind in the obsidian colored landscape gently whistle. You take the initiative and push the door open.
Darkness and shadows coat the inside of the once humble home. A coat rack lays in half on the ground. You step over it and slip deeper into the house. You step into the livingroom to see a familiar wicker coffin laying on a simple brown sofa. You inch closer to the coffin and open it to see your $family laying inside of it. You stare at their body then proceed to shut the coffin. A deep unnerving feeling of lonliness enters you, the wind no longer whistling. Silence coats the livingroom and you stumble to the matching loveseat.
You plop down on it and stare at the coffin. You hear the sharp creaking of the front door shut. You stand up to your feet and run to the door. You place your hand on the bronze door knob then proceed to twist and pull the door knob. To no avail, the door doesn't budge. You try to pull the door open again, however it still doesn't open. You try and try with all your might to open the door, but it still doesn't open.
You walk back over to the loveseat and sit down, letting out a defeated sigh. You shift your gaze over to the wicker coffin. Light seeps through the cracks ofn the boarded windows and you sink into the loveseat. Your eyelids grow heavy and you yawn, strecthing your arms out. You decide to take a nap, it's not like you'll be able to leave place anyways.
THE END(if: $Soda is 3 )[You walk up to the vending machine. You feel like your body is being sucked into the vending machine. You are surroundend by an odd warmth, a warmth you haven't felt in a while. You're blinded by a white light but, then the light disapates. You stand at the end of a hallway a bright light shines at the very end and decays. You see a giant TAB soda with arms and legs sitting at a large computer console. You walk down the hallway to approach the giant can of soda. The can turns to you and lets a shrill shriek.
"Whoa, careful there buddy." The can speaks, putting his hands out. "I don't want any trouble." It continues. You look at the computer console to see a screen that depicts the motel parking lot. This thing has been watching you the whole time apparently. It sighs, spinning in it's chair and then looking at you. "L-Look, it's just an expirement." It says. "I've seen a lot of people come through here, but never has someone ended up in HERE."
It stands up and walks about the room and then towards a door. It opens the door to reveal a dark hallway then a series of industrial lights come on and giant shelves containing unlabeled cans of sodas sit upon the shelves.
"One of these cans will send you to your $family's house." It says, walking down the hallway. "I know you've seen a uh. . . Lot of things here that you can't unsee." It keeps walking, examing the different cans. "But once you take a sip, you'll forget everything that happened." It turns around to you, shaking it's hands excitedly. You sigh and it's display and nod, if it'll get you out of this dreamlike hellscape, you'll take it.
You walk with the giant can of TAB and it points to a grey can. You examine it, pop the can open and take a sip. Your vision gets blurry and you feel the familiar warm feeling. You don't know where you're going, but you know you'll be out of there.
THE END ]You stay on the line with room service. They stay silent for a while before sighing and hanging up the phone. You hold the phone in your hand for a while and then hear loud heavy stomping coming towards your room. You can hear a banging at your door and then you cautiously open it. And indiviual wearing an ancient plague mask, large heavy boots and a black smock stand in the door way.
"Room service?" They ask, tilting their head, a deep brooding voice questions. You nod your head nervously and then the masked person forms a fist and cocks their hand back and punches you in the face. Your vision is shroudded in darkness and you can feel yourself being dragged away.